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I'm a writer, content strategist, systems thinker, lifelong learner, 
and creative hustler.

B2B/B2C SaaS, Tech Innovations, Healthcare/Medicine, Education, Psychology, Community, Creator Economy

Understand the context and audienceDefine goals and metrics. Create content. Launch projects. Test and refineRepeat and grow.





(A little more about my work)

I'm a content writer and marketing strategist! I work with businesses to build relationships, educate, showcase value, and convert.


My life experience both in and out of the marketing industry guides my work, and I've got a vested interest in knowing what makes people tickMy job is to take that insight, and turn it into an emotion-driven, data-informed experience. 


My tools include data storytelling, performance metrics analysis, consumer psychology, and the good old written word.​ Throw in a bunch of hard-earned skillsets and the drive to do work I believe in, and that's how I help businesses evolve.


(Some stuff I'm proud of)

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 11.49.47 PM.png
2023 Live Streaming Playbook.png

This newsletter article saw an open rate of 38%.

This one generated 27% of Free Trial requests in Q3/Q4 2022.

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Screenshot 2023-02-27 at 8.14.32 PM.png

This downloadable resource was used in 72% of won deals Q2 2023. 


(More various pieces of content)

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Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 5.42.25 PM.png

This one increased app sales by 19%.

Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 5.55.56 PM.png

This one generated 29% of Free Trial and demo signups.

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(A few long and short-form examples)

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Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 10.12.16 AM.png

This collection grew a high level of brand awareness and generated a solid pipeline of SQLs. 

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(Some assorted lead magnets. downloadables, and funnel content)

This was the #1 most downloaded lead magnet of 2021.

Screenshot 2023-06-25 at 4.48.28 PM.png

This eBook was reported by our customers as the most valuable hands-on resource they've gotten during their membership, and was seen as a direct response to the questions they'd been asking.



Providence, RI


This is me.

I'm a native Bostonian, and I took a fairly unorthodox approach to content marketing. I started off as a writer, and then transitioned into the business side of communication.


That's why I approach content strategy with intent and purpose. Real world experience gave me invaluable perspective that I use to think outside the box. I love taking on new challenges, and I value personal mastery. If I don't already know it, I learn it inside and out.

That hyperfocus means I don't sleep sometimes, but it's all good if I'm doing something I'm passionate about - so I've become a point person for projects that need to be done fast and done right. 

I love independent work, but I also value workplace culture and community, and the dream situation is to be working alongside a team of likeminded-people I can grow and learn with. 

I'm invested now more than ever in niching down into businesses and brand cultures that put people first. I want to add value to the world, I want to believe in my work, and I want to love what I do every day. 

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